
2nd Quarter 2024 Commentary

Chasing Interest Rates and Avoiding a “Cash Blunder” By Nick Kendall CFPⓇ When I hear news about the banking industry and current interest rates, I often have memories from my childhood and the handful of piggy banks in my bedroom. This leads to other memories of...

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3rd Quarter Commentary 2023

Of Predictions and Bears By Rob Overton, CFPⓇ, CAPⓇ A few months ago I rode my bike to work, which is something I often do. My morning-commute decision tree usually involves swiping down from the top of my phone and clicking on The Weather Channel app to get the...

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2nd Quarter Commentary 2023

Here We Go Again By Nick Kendall Every February I make sure to get in a viewing of Bill Murray’s movie Groundhog Day. The story is about a weather man in Pittsburgh who’s forced to report live in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on the aforementioned holiday to see if the...

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1st Quarter Commentary 2023

What’s in the SECURE Act 2.0? In December of 2019 Congress passed a piece of legislation called the “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act”. It was quite broad, impacting many areas of retirement planning. Some of the more notable areas...

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4th Quarter Commentary 2022

A Comprehensive Look At Your 2023 By Nick Kendall I grew up in a home with a Dad who taught us how to look through the lens of “risk management” as we navigated through life. Overwhelmingly this has been a great discipline for me to take on as I walk together with my...

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2nd Quarter 2022 Commentary

Navigating In A Changing World A dilemma is defined as, “a situation in which a person has to choose between things that are all bad or unsatisfactory”1. I would guess most of you agree with me, the world seems to change at a faster rate than it once did, and when...

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1st Quarter 2022 Current Commentary

Exciting Times, Boring Strategy For better or worse, I think that anyone paying attention can agree that we live in exciting times. There are many positives in the world: technological innovation, encouraging employment numbers, positive long-term trends in global...

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4th Quarter 2021 Commentary

  JUST A FEW THOUGHTS AS FRED RETIRES   As Rita and I retire at the end of 2021, Rob asked me to write a Quarterly Commentary reflecting back on my career: I started my financial career at CIGNA Financial Services in 1985. I learned a great deal under CIGNA’s...

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3rd Quarter 2021 Commentary

WHY IS IT SUDDENLY COSTING $40.00 (OR MORE) TO FILL UP WITH GAS?   Since the beginning of 2021 inflation has been rising in the United States.  Inflation occurs when prices of goods and services rise over time, eroding the value of our money.  If you used to buy...

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2nd Quarter 2021 Commentary

Cryptocurrencies:          Bitcoin, Coinbase, Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc. Bitcoin is by far the most well-known cryptocurrency. Bitcoin backers believe Bitcoin is the future. These believers keep buying Bitcoin regardless of the ups and downs of day-to-day valuations....

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