2013 4th Quarter Commentary- Investing in the Stock Market While Sleeping Well at Night
The first thing we learn as Financial Planners is that no one can predict the future when it comes to the stock market. The best we can do is build diversified asset allocation portfolios, which allow us to participate in the markets while giving us some margin of protection on the downside.
2013 3rd Quarter Commentary – The Advantages of Asset Class Diversification
Many of you may remember your parents saying, “Never put all your eggs in one basket.” There is great wisdom in those words, especially in the investment world. If you translate the above quote into investment language it would be, “Never put all your money in only one asset class.”
The Affordable Care Act
As we move into the final months before its implementation, there is still much uncertainty surrounding the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. We know this is a politically charged issue. We are sending you this commentary, not to remark on the politics of this situation, but to outline how the law could affect you.